The Wrong Side of History A Satirical Synopsis During Troubled Times by Robert Keough

About this book

It's the summer of 2020. Plague and protest are in the air, both literally and figuratively. Good people, causing Good Trouble, are fighting the good fight as they struggle against forces that are constantly reminding us why we can't have such nice things as life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness.
The enemy? An offshoot of humanity we shall call Homo Brutalis. Mean, cruel, barbaric creatures holding the planet hostage, wielding such weapons as greed, violence and racism, augmented by anti-science dumbfuckery & hypocritical fundamentalism. They look like us, at times act like us, but their motives are harmful, selfish, deplorable, murderous, ...Republican.

The Wrong Side of History is not intended to educate, enlighten, inform, or to play well with others. It is a satirical compilation of over 200 caricatures based upon social media memes that publicly originated in late 2017 on the Twitter account @Marlowinc.

It is the goal of this 114 page publication to combine satire, political/social humor, snarkiness, sarcasm, ad hominem, irony, bad puns, personal opinion, empirical knowledge, and bitter experience mixed in with the actual research. Some of the jokes are a little blue, and others may make you see red.

Sample pages

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Front cover
Department of Injustice
Pompous, petulant, poltroonish politicians
The rigged impeachment game
Objecting to Objectivism
Everything points to Russia
The COVIDiocracy
Back cover

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114 page paperback edition available at:
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© 2020, 2024 Robert Keough