The Mushroom Murders
With ancient mysteries, demons hungering for human flesh, and an unexpected love story, The Mushroom Murders takes everything creepy and mystic about mushrooms and explodes it into an original, fast-paced, and character-driven five-issue limited series!

Produced by Creator's Edge Press, written by Chad Anderson (Marvel Comics Handbook writer) and penciled by talented illustrator Robert Keough, The Mushroom Murders is a surefire hit with surprises in store with every turn of the page!

The individual issues may be out of print, but the entire story itself has been published in trade paperback format and is available for purchase at Amazon.

A 2013 interview with writer Chad Anderson discussing this very topic can be found at Big Shiny Robot.

Character sketches
Character sketches
Character sketches
Character sketches
Character sketches
Issue #1 cover pencils
Issue #1 cover finished
Issue #2 cover pencils
Issue #2 cover finished
Issue #3 cover pencils
Issue #3 cover finished
Issue #4 cover pencils
Issue #4 cover finished
Issue #5 cover pencils
Issue #5 cover finished
Penciled page
Finished page
Penciled page
Finished page
Penciled page
Finished page
Penciled page
Finished page
Penciled page
Finished page
Penciled page
Finished page
Penciled page
Finished page
Penciled page
Finished page